


六O年代,我們有「披頭四」。來到了二十一世紀,五名來自波士頓的帥氣大男孩--「5次方樂團」(The Click Five),流著高貴柏克萊音樂血統、演奏親民的流行搖滾,準備在全世界發光。


失之東隅、收之桑榆。由凱爾所領軍的新5次方,在地球另一方,以流暢快意的主打歌曲《珍妮》(Jenny),打破文化與語言的藩籬,順利地在亞洲攻城掠地,在台、日、韓與星馬等地所向披靡。今年八月初,他們獲頒MTV亞洲音樂大獎的風靡大獎(Knockout Award),台下觀眾為5次方的一舉一動如癡如狂,並大聲唱和著《珍妮》,鋒頭完全不輸同為嘉賓的里歐娜(Leona Lewis)與「共和世代」(One Republic)樂團。


近幾年來,偶像團體幾乎後繼無人,5次方端出「全帥哥」夢幻陣容,打破樂團只有主唱上得了台面的刻板印象,歌詞說的又是情竇初開的青少年們最切身的愛情,自然不難在亞洲走紅。樂團的創作靈魂人物鍵盤手班仔(Ben Romans),曾如此表達他們對作品的期許:「希望我們的歌能成為某人生命的原聲帶。」科班出身的他們,親和的外表下,藏著音樂人的傲骨,他們不甘於成為亞洲型藝人,目前正投入第三張專輯的製作,讓我們期待5次方的脫胎換骨。




She calls me baby
then she wont call me
says she adores me
and then ignores me
(Jenny, What's the problem?)

She keeps her distance
and sits on fences
puts up resistance
and builds defenses
(Jenny, Whats the problem?)

You keep me hanging on the line
everytime you change your mind

First you say you wont
then you say you will
you keep me hanging on
but we're not moving on
we're standing still
Jenny, you've got me on my knees
Jenny, It's killing me

She needs her own space
she's playing mind games
ends up at my place
saying that she's changed
(Jenny, what's the problem?)

I'm trying to read between the lines
you got me going out of my mind

First you say you wont
then you say you will
you keep me hanging on
but we're not moving on
we're standing still
Jenny, you've got me on my knees
Jenny, It's killing me

(ohh ohh ooohhhh)
It's killing me
(ohh ohh ooohhhh)
It's killing me
(ohh ohh ooohhhh)

First you say you wont
then you say you will
you keep me hanging on
but we're not moving on
we're standing still
Jenny, you've got me on my knees
Jenny, It's killing me

First you say you wont
then you say you will
you keep me hanging on
but we're not moving on
we're standing still
Jenny, you've got me on my knees
Jenny, It's killing me

It's killing me



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