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Time is flying so fast!~ I'm in the high school already!~
I felt so sad, my friends and teachers left me alone, what can I do?
It's so difficult for me to get new friends. It always likes this!...

rose2351307 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Finally, I'm in grade 9, the high school section of my school. It's kind of weird to me. The new school year started for about a month already. In the first day of the school, Aug. 9, I saw the new homeroom teacher of our class, I don't know why but I just don't really like her much and we didn't have any class with her. Then, the school switched the homeroom teachers of our class for three times. Eventually, Mr. Damien became our homeroom teacher! So surprised... He's very nice, kind, and fun, but I can felt that I'll not be close to the teachers this year than last year. I don't know why but it appears in my brain.

Some students are gone, such as Yong and Klao, and Shaun and a girl switched the class to 9D. I wonder why are the students in my class were always moving to other places, 4 students were moved last year and 4 students are gone this year. In the very beginning of 8C, we had 27 students and now we have only 19 students in my class!

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